That’s the question I’m posing today. What makes us like the thought of hot manlove? Is it because one guy is hot and two guys only makes it hotter? Or is it because we’re a group of romance readers who like things that aren’t on the purely traditional pathway?
There are only so many woman-abducted-by-pirate stories a person can read in a lifetime before we think maybe John instead of Jane would make a better character for a sexy twist (hmmm, jotting down a note).
I started reading traditional romances when I was in my teens. You know the ones; sophisticated, rich man falls for naïve, clueless virgin and they live happily ever after. Over the years I’ve pretty much read every scenario known to author, starting at traditional m/f, progressing to ménage and now, having cut out the girly parts, read and write m/m romances.
Some people try to draw parallels to society and all kinds of psychological reasons behind the onslaught of male/male reading by a mostly female audience, but sometimes it’s just about a hot man and an interesting story. I’d love to read feedback as to why you read m/m romance or maybe why you don’t.
Contest: I will be giving away one audio copy of my book, Blood Signs, to one lucky commenter!
Amber Kell is a published author of M/M Erotic Romance. You can find more information about her at her website at: Amber Kell
Here is information on her latest release:
Series: Perfect Strangers , Book 2
Published By: OmniLit / All Romance eBooks, LLC
Published: Feb 02, 2011
ISBN # 9781936387205
Purchase at: All Romance eBooks
Blurb: Everyone needs a little romance…
When artist Stephen Carter catches a glimpse of Master Jones on the security monitors of his brother’s BDSM club he’s entranced. A hastily drawn sketch manages to capture the Dom’s high cheekbones, square jaw, and hot, hard body. A body the quiet, reclusive Stephen would love to explore.
The subs who fall for Victor Jones always get hurt. He has no desire to enter into a committed relationship and no room in his life for romantic entanglements. But then the seasoned Dom starts to receive intriguing gifts from a secret admirer. When Victor discovers his admirer is Stephen, he decides maybe it’s time to try out something new, someone less experienced.