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Tag: hard yaoi

In Life and Blood Book 2: Holding onto the Past – Release Date and Sneak Preview!

After enduring a crashed hard drive which totally wiped out all of my data, including the first version of this book, I have finally rewritten the second book in the In Life and Blood series. I just received a release date of May 1, 2011 from my publisher. I’m now frantically working on the cover;) Anyhow, this book is about Sebastian and is told from his point of view. I had lots of fun researching Dacian (Ancient Romanian) life, finding slang words in Romanian and translating little bits of English into Romanian. For instance, did you know that a really big insult in Romanian is to basically tell someone to go back up in their mother’s womb where they came from? And they apparently talk about the penis a lot when swearing, LOL. Like, pula mea, which they use like an English speaking person would use as “fuck”, and literally means, “my cock”.

Anyhow, here’s the blurb:

With his one true love, Julian, at his side and a new son to look after, Sebastian’s grief-stricken past comes out of hiding to find him. As Julian and Nikolai struggle to understand what vampire life should be and strive to live a normal life, Sebastian fights with his demons to allow the freedoms they deserve. But with the queen’s band of chevaliers not quite under control and shadows lurking in the night, Sebastian’s fears escalate. Can Sebastian find the courage to let go and at the same time give Julian and Nikolai the protection they desperately need?

On with the sneak peak (unedited) :


His shoulder jerked backward. Julian came into focus through wet eyes.

“Oh my God, what’s happened?” Julian, in a sweatshirt and jeans, threw his arms around Sebastian and held him tight. “Talk to me.”

Sniffling, he wrapped his arms around his lover. “My angel, you are here and not dead.”

“What? Of course not.” Julian kissed the side of Sebastian’s head.

He left the door open. Anger fluttered up his spine. He shoved Julian away. Glaring at his lover, he said, “What the hell were you thinking leaving the door open like that?” He swiped at the wetness on his face.

Julian’s eyes widened in surprise. “What?”

Nikolai raced from the edge of the wall toward his bedroom.

“You left the house wide open. Anyone could have gotten in here. Anyone.” He placed his hands on his hips.

“B-but we were just, just outside. I was showing Nikolai an owl and—“

“Never, ever leave the house like that. And don’t ever go outside without my permission.” He pointed at Julian.

Anger spread over Julian’s face. He gritted his teeth. “Don’t you tell me what to do. If I want to go outside I will. My days of being imprisoned are over.”

Stunned, he took a step back and placed his fingertips on his forehead. “Uh, I’m, I’m sorry, Julian. I didn’t mean it that way.” His anger morphed into relief. He looked around the room a moment. “I was afraid something happened to you both.”

Julian’s stance relaxed. “No, it didn’t. We were just looking at a damn owl in the tree out back.” He looked down at his feet and back up at Sebastian. “Nikolai was all excited about it.” He studied Sebastian. “Sebastian, you were crying when I walked in. I don’t ever think I’ve seen you cry before. What’s going on?”

He turned around and looked at the black and stainless gas stove, hiding a new wave of embarrassment and guilt as best he could. “It’s just that the situation, the door being open like that, reminded me of how I found my mother’s corpse all those years ago.” Solid hands gripped his shoulders and turned him around. He gazed down into his lover’s beautiful, blue-grey eyes.

Wisps of long, chestnut-colored hair surrounded Julian’s face and spilled out over the dark sweatshirt covering his shoulders. “I’m so sorry. Tell me about it.”

He shut his eyes a second and shook his head. “It’s all right now. You are safe.”

A hurt look spread over Julian’s face. “But we’re One now, you and I. I want to know what happened to you. I want to know all about you.”

He let out a long exhale. I must tell Julian something for my behavior. “It was during the Hun wars. I found the door to our home open. It was obvious that there had been a struggle. I found her on the floor, a terrible wound in her head. I was a newly made vampire and I tried to save her with my blood, but I couldn’t.” Remorse wound around his heart again. And so I drank her blood instead. He took in a ragged breath of air.

“I feel it, Sebastian. I feel how much this saddens you still.” Wrapping his arms around Sebastian, Julian pulled him in close. “I love you and I promise nothing like that will ever happen to me. I’ll be careful. I can protect myself. Especially when it comes to Caesar.”

“No, you can’t.” He breathed in Julian’s musky scent, all clover and spice, relishing in his embrace. “He is far more dangerous than we thought.”

“Why do you say that?” Julian’s lips found Sebastian’s, placing a lingering kiss over them.

A prick of alarm raced inside him. Stupid, do not say such things. “No reason in particular. I just want you to keep your guard up until this whole incident with your old coven is resolved.”

Julian released Sebastian and stepped back. “You know I will. And now I have my sword back in case the Templars need me.” He smiled at Sebastian.

He’d make sure that would never happen. “So you found it at the door?”

“I sure did.” Julian twisted and came back around to face Sebastian. “I think we scared the crap out of Nikolai.”

Relief rained down on Sebastian and a wide grin spread over his face. “I think you’re right. It was our first fight, my angel.”

“And I’m sure it won’t be the last.” Julian let out a short chuckle. “Let’s go and find him.”

Purple Prose – Arch Villain Strikes Again by ZA Maxfield

Oh, how mighty is my sorrow when I think of the books I’ve slain… My bosom heaves, my brow furrows. Tears drip like rain. Blood runs in rivers like thick, dark wine. Meaty manflesh rises at my bidding, plunging like sausages into tight, tender rosebuds of fluttering anal muscles that grip like pythons and clench and milk stuff. (They MILK STUFF?) Women’s parts weep like honey and flow like sap and glisten and goodness only knows what the hell else.

I am Purple Prose. I am a gate-crasher. I am a line-crosser.  And I will eat your lunch. (Then sometimes, I’ll make you throw it up after, just for giggles.)

I’m not going to single anyone out here, and seriously, man. I’m not casting that first stone. We all try shit that doesn’t work. I’ve HEARD my editors clear their throats from several states away. Thank heavens God made editors. They provide that much needed reality-check for aspiring authors everywhere.

To see what I mean, it only takes a little trip to our beloved “weepingcock” community at live journal HERE: weepingcock

Let us refer to the text shall we? There’s an abundance of You Might Be A…(Fill in the Blank) self-help books out there. To that I’d add:

You might be a friend of Purple Prose if you’ve ever written…

Anyone’s anus itched to have someone inside it.

This isn’t prose. It’s an STD.

eloquent phallic erection

Okay, hello. Talking dick?

The ultimate male explosion

To be fair this came from a vitamin supplement add. But it made me wonder about the penultimate male explosion and from exactly where on a man’s body that might come.

And for the ladies…

hot slimy fluids into her sexually ravaged swampy depths

There are no lengths to which some women’s swampy depths won’t go to build up a good head of SLIME.

bathed him in her cherry-red smile (Credit belongs to Jonathon Franzen for this one.)

Jonathon, I know you can take criticism from me all the way to the bank, laughing. But seriously. Dude. I liked the “jismic, grunting butt-oink”. But the cherry red smile? No can do, man. Purple Prose has flown over your WIP once too often and left a surprise you forgot to wipe off.

ZA Maxfield is a romantic, erotic writer. You can find out more about her at her site:

Here is some information on her latest release:

Stirring Up Trouble
ZA Maxfield
Manlove Romance Press
Available in Ebook & Print
LGBT Contemporary Romance
Buy at:
MLR Press

Toby Andrews is cooking up more than a little trouble for Evan Blankenship. Because of pranks, indiscretions, and plain bad timing, his ability to work in New York’s temples of haute cuisine is a thing of the past. When Toby’s sister tells him he should look up an acquaintance whose restaurant — Le Potiron –is failing, he doesn’t have much choice.

Pretty soon he’s in bed, literally, with a cook who hates people, trying to save a restaurant that only the neighborhood mothers seem to love, and on the verge of another –possibly painful — lesson or two about what it means to be successful.

Evan hates everyone but Toby. Toby likes to stir things up. See what’s on the menu at Le Potiron, in Stirring Up Trouble.

For more information about her latest release, Stirring up Trouble, please click on the cover.

Does Yaoi exploit gay men and do we care?

Wow, what a question to start off with when I’ve been absent pretty much all summer, huh? From what I’ve seen out there in author-land, there seems to be some polarizing views on what Yaoi and M/M romance written by and for a female audience (yes, I know many men like it, too, and I think I’ve already covered this ground in “Yaoi versus M/M Romance: What’s the Difference“) should be and how it may or may not affect the gay community.

Let’s take the first part of this, shall we? Does Yaoi exploit gay men? Our characters in Yaoi fall into seme and uke and in many instances, let’s face it, the uke is a chick with a dick. Are there real gay men out there like that? I’d say certainly. While many lesbians (and yep, I do know quite a few) can sometimes bend their female gender to imitate a man quite well, I’ve seen it done just as well with the opposite sex. Wait, what did I just say? Some lesbians act more like guys than guys and some gay men act more like women than women do;) (Just like in the hetero world, LOL) OMG, I think I’ve just started a topic for another day – gender bending and men in dresses, LOL. So, if there are real gay men out there that act like cute little ukes, by having characters like this are we exploiting them? Hell no. Am I exploiting dogs when I have one in a story and it barks and wags it’s tail? Okay, maybe that’s a bit extreme. Even if there weren’t any gay men who behave like a typical uke, does this mean we shouldn’t write about them? Again, do dragons and unicorns exist? And there are stories written about them all the time.

Yes, this is Mana, a guy. I have no idea if he's really gay. Care to take bets?

But on a deeper level, are we female readers and writers of Yaoi and M/M romance  exploiting gay men because we’re turning them into some twisted fantasy we have about gay men and them getting it on? Personally, I find this ridiculous, too. We may make them and like them to be a bit more emotional than a real guy and we may want them to fall in love more than real gay men do, but I’ve also heard from real gay men that these stories can be inspirational to them. And about the emotional part? Boys and girls are born pretty much the same, it’s our culture that forces boys to repress their emotions. Studies show that our culture is finally changing and it’s getting more and more acceptable for men to shed a tear or two. What’s the big deal anyway?

What I’d really like to know is why it seems to be okay with the lesbian community and especially our culture at large for straight men to watch lesbian porn, but, OMG, you’re a straight woman and you write gay romance stories??? It seems like every time I see some stupid ad for porn aimed at men, it’s two hot chicks getting it on. And have you seen late night HBO and such? The soft porn ALWAYS has two hot chicks getting it on. Not that there is anything wrong with that – just to be clear. I’d just like to see more, well you all know what I want to see, wink, wink.

So no, I don’t think Yaoi or M/M romance exploits anyone (maybe the fangirls, LOL). And for that last part – do we care? Of course we do, don’t be stupid. Reading and writing Yaoi and M/M romance has helped me to understand the trials of being gay and lesbian throughout history and today. My first book, A Summer without Rain, was critiqued by a man whose son is gay. He told me reading my manuscript actually helped him to understand and empathize better with his son. And guess what? I’m proud of that.