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Who’s Your Favorite Yaoi Pairing?

Most of us who love Yaoi love fanfiction. Am I right? I know I found out about Yaoi through such websites as, Adult and Deviant Art. The first time I read a fanfic, I think it was about Inuyasha and Koga and I was…intrigued. I thought to myself, am I not the only woman on the face of the Earth who found Brokeback Mountain to be about the hottest movie I ever saw (besides Interview with the Vampire)?
And low and behold, I am not! I’ve even found some of my friends who thought they’d never like this sort of thing actually loved it when they read some of my work (not to toot my own horn here).
So the question for today is: Who’s your favorite Yaoi pairing? Personally, my first was Roy Mustang and Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist. I’ve written countless fanfictions about these two, some of which are really bad because, well, I was just getting started and had no idea how to write fiction (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!). If you really care to read these, you can find them here: Animegeik on
I have to say, RoyxEd is still my favorite. There’s just something about the dynamic of these two that’s just plain hot – is it the older/younger thing or the calm/hot-headed thing? Or how about the master/servant thing (*.*)?

But then I started watching Gundam Wing, Gundam Seed, Gundam Seed Destiny and Gundam 00. All those hot dudes, lots of angst and always a pair of friends on either side of the war. Perfect for getting the Yaoi fanfiction juices flowing, so to speak. Out of those series, I think my favorites are: DuoxHiro, KiraxAthrun, and LockonxAllelujah. Too bad I can’t seem to find too much of the latter:(

Of course, Death Note is infamously popular with the LxLight(Kira) pair. Again, something about the two heros being on opposing sides makes it that much more hot. I wonder, did the makers of Death Note know that fangirls and boys would forever swoon and write fics about L and Light being handcuffed together? I bet they did and I bet they wrote the story that way for that very fact!

So the question remains: who is your favorite Yaoi pairing?




  1. Katrina Strauss

    I love villain/hero pairings, with the villain's manipulation of the guilt-ridden hero's attraction fueling the dynamic. FFVII's SephirothXCloud, D.Gray-man's TykiXAllen, and Geass' LelouchXSuzaku would be my top pairings in this respect. What can I say, I like it dark and twisted? >:)

    On a lighter note, I also enjoy LockonXAllelujah but can't seem to find much, either. Then there's my favorite rivalship, which is my best kept secret since it's from an anime my teens watched, well, when they were younger… *runs and hides*

  2. Christie Gordon

    Ah, the NaruSasu pairing, I bet! Villain/hero pairings are fun, aren't they? Maybe that's what's behind LxLight. But I like to think of L on top;) Dark and twisted is good!


  3. Aerliss

    Gotta agree with you on Death Note. The hints are right there in the show (not so sure about the manga, having only read 1-5 and the very final chapter).

    As for my faves? L/Light is a must… because it's practically canon, damnit. I dunno… I tend to like slash fiction unless there's the possibility of it in the show/book/film (I'm a canon freak). So… yeah, Lestat/oh-you-have-no-idea-who-I-wouldn't-like-to-see-him-nom-on, Ginji/Dr Jackal, L/Light, Eiri Yuki/Shuichi (nuh).

    Art on the other hand…

    Reno/Rufus, Vincent/Sephy (Ow, get of me hair!), Alucard/Dr Jackal (Get Backers) Alucard/Abel (Trinity Blood), Alex Row/Vincent Arthai (Last Exile), Haji/Van Argiano ('cos they're both voiced by Mr Freeman in the Blood+ dub… omnomnom), Alucard/Haji (again with Mr Freeman… and yet to find a good picture… damnit).

    I did write a very long and complicated Vincent/Cid fic once… a scene popped into my head and wouldn't get out til I wrote it… but I wouldn't say I like that pairing, not in a yaoi way, anyway. I think they make adorable BFF XD

  4. Eiri Saiyuki

    My favorite couple is Wincest Sam/Dean from Supernatural. I know is not really YAOI in all words, but Slash does count too. Besides had you ever seen Supernatural??? They're so handsome and the chemistry, and the luv they show for each other is WOW!! xD.

    In yaoi yaoi probably my fav is Ichigo/Ishida (Bleach), Asami/Takaba (Viewfinder), Yonekuni/Shiro (Sex Pistols), Kakashi/Iruka (Naruto), Suzaku/LuLu (Code Geass), Kurogane/Fye (TRC) and Iori/Kyo (KoF). I also had to say that I love the all mangas of Ayano Yamane, Maki Murakami, Inariya Funanosuke and Kaori Monchi.

  5. ::Sarah::

    My fave is definitely:

    Aki&Ryuichi (VF)
    Squall&Seifer (FF8)
    Cloud& Zack (also with Vincent and Sephi)
    Suzaku&Lulu (Code Geass)
    Iori&Kyo (KoF)
    Roy&Ed (FMA)
    Ichigo&Grimmjow (BLEACH)
    Al&Ranmaru (IIR)
    Enjoji&Ranmaru (Kizuna)


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