I mean really, the Japanese get Final Fantasy with its plethora of hot guys and cool motorcycles and long, thick…swords…
Don’t get me wrong, I do like Shrek. I have all three movies on DVD. I thought it was quite funny.
But I mean, come on people – these are characters you can draw, characters you make up, characters that can be as hot or not as you like, so why not make them hot? Why not give us some eye candy for crying out loud?
Why be happy with this:
 And what about the art? Most American animation has only one level of color (for lack of a technical way to describe it) while the Japanese use three. I’m talking about a main color, a shadow and a highlight. The details in the backgrounds on Japanese animation is incredible as well.

Is it just that most American animation is meant to be comical and therefore we just accept crappy cartoons? Many anime are funny as well –Â how about Fruit’s Basket and what about how many hot guys were in that show?
Bottom line here is, although I do adore The Simpson’s, Family Guy, and all those lovely Pixar movies for their comedic value, I really really really wish the forces that be in America would wake up and give us what the Japanese have gotten all along – truely artistic animation, intriguing storylines (hey, I didn’t even touch on that subject…) and lot and lots of eye candy.