So I just recently downloaded and watched (for a whopping $3 each, mind you) Little Ashes with Robert Pattinson and Dorien Gray with Ben Barnes. I loved these movies, especialy Little Ashes. Without giving you all spoilers, I’d just like to say there is one very hot and erotic scene in particular I liked *TT* in Little Ashes.
This story revolves around Salvador Dali’s homosexual relationship with Frederico Garcia Lorca (played by Javier Beltran). Pattinson plays up Dali’s bizarre behavior exquisitely, in my opinion, showing the artist as a shy introvert one minute and then having outbursts of grandiosity the next.
But this blog isn’t a review of the movie. Oh no, that would be too easy 😉 You see, the movie caught the interest of my boyfriend, who likes to watch true-story movies about crazy famous people. Yes, I told him there were “homosexual elements” and yes, he knows where my interests lie with all of that. But still, I’d ranted so much about how well Pattinson (the dude he lovingly refers to as “that vampire wimp”) played the eccentric Dali that he wanted to see it.
So we watched it together.
There were bouts of “Oh, God” followed by “Really?” and then the old, “I need to get something out of the kitchen” during the erotic scene I mentioned above. But much to his credit, he did sit and watch it without too much fuss.
This whole episode makes me remember a time when he told me he wanted to read my first book, A Summer Without Rain, because he’s Irish and it’s about two Irish boys, LOL. So I let him. He didn’t even make it through the first chapter! Ha! And then his best friend who is also Irish decided that he should read it, too. He made it about half-way through, but didn’t read the sex scenes. Every time I asked him about it, he made a funny face and shook his head.

I’ve also been watching Queer as Folk on DVD (yes, I’m a late bloomer). My boyfriend and his friend, the one who tried to read my book, came in the house one day while I had it on the TV in the main room. There was your typical scene of the guys at Babylon, you know, naked hot men grinding on each other and my boyfiend and his friend both just sort of stood there with their mouths hanging open.
My boyfriend said, “What the hell is that?”
To which I replied “Queer as Folk.”
And his friend tilted his head and said, “Oh, that’s, that’s not a chick?”
My boyfriend crinkled his nose and said, “You’re soiling the TV with your faggotry.”
I just laughed at them. It is now forever known as “My Faggotry”. And I love it. So there.
How much does your significant other like Yaoi?