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Tag: gackt

I’ve Joined the Anime and Manga Bloggers for Japan

The recent events in Japan have had a particularly heavy impact on me. I love so much of what comes out of Japan – the rock music, the anime and of course, boys love (yaoi). Where would I be if I’d never discovered Mobile Suit Gundam Seed all those years ago? Would I have returned to my artistic roots? Would I have ever discovered my talent for writing stories? Probably not.

I owe so much of what I enjoy today as my creative outlet to the mangakas and musicians of Japan, I can’t imagine a world without them and their work. Their creative endeavors inspire me every single day. The intriguing and fantastical stories that come out of anime and manga are unique and stand a class above what Hollywood spoon feeds us, in my humble opinion. I listen to JRock when I draw almost exclusively. The passion in Japanese rock  is something I think is hard to find in mainstream music.

So I ask this question: where would you be if there were no Miyavi, no Death Note, no Hyde or Gackt, no Fullmetal Alchemist… no Gundams? Where would we be without this wonderful country and its immense creative talent and genius?

For this reason, I’ve joined the Anime and Manga Bloggers for Japan. Please check it out here: Anime and Manga Bloggers for Japan

And if you’re a blogger and want to join, please do and spread the word!

Because, where would you be?

Are Anime Stories Better Than Hollywood? + Comments and Contest Winner;)

I’ll just get the “business” part over before hitting on today’s topic, if you don’t mind.

Yay!!! My comments finally work! I freakin reuploaded everything only to find out I did some disastrous boo-boo in setting up my page links, causing my comment dilemma. I’m over it. Moving on…

Congratulations to Lakisha for being the ebook winner at my “Grand Opening”! If you all are interested, I wrote everyone’s name down on a folded peice of paper and then had my younger son pick from a hat. Yep, that’s how it’s done.

Now on to the topic of the day:

Are anime stories better than Hollywood?

I just purchased and watched Avatar for the second time and I’m telling you, if there weren’t some MAJOR anime themes in that movie, well, slap me silly if you can find me.

I think to start off this discussion, we need to look at what anime stories have made it to Hollywood (and I may not list them all, I’m a bit delirious from figuring out my comment problem, LOL)



  • Astro Boy
  • Speed Racer
  • Transformers
  • DragonBall Z
  • Avatar – The Last Airbender (due out this summer, I believe)

Ooo, who slipped that Dragon Ball Z Yaoi pic in there???

There are talks of bringing more over here for live action film every day (take a look at some of my recent tweets…). I can think of “Ghost in the Shell” and I’ve recently heard something about “Bleach”! Yeah, that’s right.

Though I’d really like to see them try and do Full Metal Alchemist – who’d play Edward Elric? Hmmm, maybe that dude who played Jasper in Twilight? Oh, Oh, kinky thoughts…Roy could be Gackt with his new black hair;)

So why are all these big Hollywood film makers turning to anime? Is it that they’ve run our of murder mystery with cops, alien invasion, cutesy romantic comedy ideas? I think so. And I also think the story lines in anime are quite well developed and out of the box, so to speak. Maybe it’s the Japanese culture  and the exotic background that makes for such great story fodder. Now if we could only avoid some of the Hollywood gone anime disasters, like Dragon Ball Z… If only Hollywood would find a way to keep what’s so special in our anime special and not glam up the characters or reduce the intensity of the plot and let us in America see the drama, the heartache, the loyalty exhibited by our anime characters and not water them down for our namby-pamby American audience. Let’s show them what real anime is about and take it out of the “comic book geek” realm into the real worlds the anime depict. I do have a lot of hope for Avatar – The Last Airbender. But so help me God if they make that movie in any way cartoonish – and you know what I mean (*cough*, Speed Racer), I’ll shave my head. Okay, maybe I won’t, but I’ll do something rash, like write yet another blog about how Hollywood sucks. So there. Make it like Avatar, the movie, please…

Hot JRockers in the Spotlight

So my first question here is – who do you think is the hottest JRocker? And – what makes them so hot? I know a lot of you out there fawn over Gackt, and yes I think he’s pretty easy on the eyes (to say the least). But for me, Hyde is the one that does it. I’m not sure exactly why that is – maybe the big, dark eyes, the pouty lips, the amazing voice, the hot way he sticks his tongue out in almost every frickin picture he poses for, LOL. It makes you wonder what he’s thinking of licking;) His wife is one hell of a lucky woman!
Of course, then there’s thinking about Hyde with Gackt, which must be the hottest of all *falls over for a moment*.
There are others out there, like Miyavi. What’s not to love about Miyavi? He’s adorable, got the tattoos, the lip piercings, funky hair, plays guitar and sings like a God, all the things I dream about in my perfect man (I hope my boyfriend doesn’t read this, LOL). But it does make me wonder just a bit, if certain parts of his body we can’t see are pierced and/or tattooed *.* I can always dream…
But what’s really great about JRockers is the way they dress and behave on stage. These guys are real rock stars, bigger-than-life rock stars, not your short-haired, fatso’s we have in the USA today. Yep, I said it. Why is it that almost all American rock stars now days look like some schmuck you’d find in your local bar, huh? I mean, where’s the showmanship in that? No cool hair, no tight black leather pants and for a lot of them – please, keep your shirt ON. And the baggy pants thing – really? Do these guys really think women find this hot? What freakin planet did they come from? I know, there are always the exceptions…like John Mayer;)
I don’t know how I got so worked up on that, LOL. Let’s get back to JRockers, shall we? Another thing I love about JRockers (besides the great music) is the stage antics, read – the yaoi stuff. These guys know what their female audience wants to see and gives it to them. How about the Gackt/Mana thing? I’d like to see some modern day American rocker have the balls to come out on stage in a Lolita outfit and sex up the lead singer…yum…Oh, lost me there for a moment. That whole Visual Kei thing I find reminiscent of the 1980’s alternative bands, like The Cure, Gene Loves Jezebel (yeah, those two dudes in the picture at the bottom are TWINS – how’d you like to see that twincest?) and Adam Ant.
I loved that time period for music. Maybe that’s why I fell so easily in love with JRock.
I know I’ve only touched on some of the more popular JRockers, so how about you tell me about your favorites? 
And finally, a pic of JRocker fanservice:)